Dumb Waiters in Action

Dumbwaiters are a type of elevator that can be installed in the home or business. They are usually a lot smaller than a regular passenger elevator and are used to move things like groceries or laundry between floors. These devices have been around for many thousands of years, but their popularity really took off during the nineteenth century in America. During this time they were used extensively in businesses and almost every home had one.

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Using a Dumbwaiter at Home

A dumbwaiter is a lifting device, similar to an elevator, that is popular both in homes and in businesses. Depending on the type, they can support anywhere from fifty to a thousand pounds. However, usually those that are found in homes support around a hundred pounds. People choose to install a dumbwaiter in their home for a variety of reasons, but it usually comes down to wanting to make work around the home easier and more efficient.

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The AmeriGlide Express Dumbwaiter

Dumbwaiters are devices that have been used in homes around the world for thousands of years. They can make it much easier to bring the groceries to the kitchen or bring firewood into the home. Traditionally the manual dumbwaiter has been most common, but electric dumbwaiters have steadily increased in popularity since their introduction during the eighteen-hundreds.

For the home, there are several popular dumbwaiter kits available, but one of the more common is the AmeriGlide Express Dumbwaiter. This electric dumbwaiter is manufactured by a company called AmeriGlide and has several features that help to make it easier to install.

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The Different Types of Elevators

The elevator is a device that has been used for many thousands of years, but the first elevator as we know it today was not created until 1854. This was the Otis Elevator, which was created by Elisha Otis.

Today, Otis elevators can be found in buildings world wide. The design and safety features used in todays elevators, while much more advanced, have roots in the Otis Elevator. This article discusses the three main types of drive system that are found in commercial elevators.

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Elisha Otis: The Father of the Elevator

The elevator is a device that has very deep roots in American History. While the earliest noted elevator dates back to 200 BC, these elevators were in reality dumbwaiters. The first passenger elevator would not be developed until the middle of the eighteen hundreds by a man named Elisha Otis. Otis is considered to be the father of the elevator.

Today his elevators are still seen in many buildings all over the world and the innovations that he helped to create are still being used.

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